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Wow! Cool, I made my own webpage! LOL. I did this at work. I’m working at NASA/SHARP for the summer. It’s an internship for highschool students on NASA installations. The reason I’m doing this instead of working on my project is because my mentor and I have to wait to ask some program managers a question about our project. Blah Blah Blah… you don’t want to hear about that. I have to get a chicken pox vaccination today. I hate shots. :(

It's Friday!!! Yeah baby! I'm ready for the weekend. I'm goin to see Bad Boyz II this Saturday night (hopefully it won't be sold out) with my friends, pool party Sunday, babysittin, yea....LOL
I got my shot yesterday, it didn't hurt that bad. I was soooo nervous. :) My blood pressure was waaaay up...but it was just cuz I was scared of the shot. But, the doctor said I have to get another one for it to be effective since I'm so old. :( I have to go back at eight in the mornin on the first day of school... Oh well.
Wish me luck! Hopefully I'll finish my project at work today.

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Joy Anderson
High-School Senior
Black Planet: saki_saki
MSN: smiley_express
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